Saturday, June 25, 2016

German Cultural Heritage Legislation

The cultural property nazis could be coming for you soon
All collectors should be aware of this disturbing development: New German Cultural Heritage Protection Legislation   Germany has passed some massively controversial cultural heritage legislation. An experienced dealer heralds this as
"a sad day for collectors in Germany, and a warning to collectors and the trade everywhere, regarding what is likely to happen when the Socialist perspective of left-wing "heritage preservation" advocates is accepted by government. This is very bad news for German antiquities dealers and collectors. In particular, I expect it to have a very serious adverse impact upon the German trade in ancient coins. In discussing this earlier, I mentioned that I expected one consequence of this legislation to be a shifting of the numismatics, antiquities and art trade from Germany to London. There is already a significant reaction against such arbitrary governmental proceedings in the two most important English-speaking nations".
But will it be enough to stop the erosion of our rights? We need to fight this, but how? If the market moves to London, how will that affect export laws when that is now outside the European Union?

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