Saturday, January 13, 2018

Fake News and Perversion of the Truth

Wayne G. Sayles writes:
Fact #1: Ancient coins have been collected and traded from literally the beginning of their existence in the 7th century BC.
Fact #2: No culture on earth ever considered, much less imposed, trade controls on ancient coins before the rise of archaeology as a "science" and the acceptance of these scientists as "experts".
act #3: Many millions, if not billions, of ancient coins legally crossed national boundaries without controls of any kind as late as the early 20th century when archaeology (once a hobby itself) started to achieve some recognition as an academic subject of interest. There is literally no way to determine modern ownership of ancient coins based on point of origin.
Fact #4: Between 1970 and 2017 the archaeological community has aligned itself with a progressive socialist ideology that radically opposes private ownership.
Fact #5: Radicals never let truth prevail and readily pervert truth for the "greater good".
Is it any wonder we are where we are?
What a parlous state archeology has become, unable to see the common sense wood for the socialist tress.

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