Thursday, June 8, 2017

Import Restrictions Without End

Cultural property expert Peter Tompa writes:
The drafters of the CPIA contemplated that import restrictions would give breathing space for source countries to get their own house in order, but they were never supposed to go on forever.  Yet, the State Department and US Customs have extended import restrictions on Peruvian goods for the fourth time. ("Import Restrictions Without End").
I am no expert but am not sure that this matches the stated aim of the program:
The expanding worldwide trade in objects of archaeological and ethnological interest has led to wholesale depredations in some countries [...] Restrictions on importation are intended to reduce the incentive for pillage by discouraging the trade in undocumented cultural materials, and encouraging a legal trade in documented materials.
It seems our government envisages this being a permanent effect rather than a temporary interim solution.

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