Saturday, September 19, 2015

At Last, Decisive Action in Syria

According to professional numismatist and media pundit David Welsh, there are times when ideological and national differences surely must become insignificant compared to the difference between common sense and utter nonsense.Vladimir Putin understands and is acting upon that difference. Unlike our present yellowbelly 'leader', he is a competent and decisive leader who sees clearly and is not afraid to act. Russia is quietly asserting itself as the savior of western civilization in a post-Obama era of sensible, practical realism. I wonder what the point of having the worlds most powerful military is, if we cannot use it effectively in situations such as these.  There is a lack of will on our part to intervene.  And the world loses its common heritage to these barbarians. Hopefully some easing of the terror in Syria will result from this, and the anti-collector league will have the carpet snatched from out under their feet in attempts to blacken the image of antiquity collectors by association. 

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