Friday, June 7, 2013

Transparency and Erosion of Civil Liberties

"Let me say this as simply as I can, transparency and the rule of law
 will be the touchstones of this presidency"
~ Barack Hussain Obama on January 21, 2009.

When Barack Obama ran for president in 2008, his pledges of openness and transparency were not ancillary to his campaign but central to it. He  repeatedly denounced the Bush administration as "one of the most secretive administrations in our nation's history", saying that "it is no coincidence" that such a secrecy-obsessed presidency "has favored special interests and pursued policies that could not stand up to the sunlight." He vowed: "as president, I'm going to change that". Within a few months of those words his administration passed laws restricting imports of artifacts from ancient civilizations under circumstances that are still unclear, despite efforts of the Ancient Coin Collectors Guild to obtain the promised transparency, that were stalled at every step of the way.

 Now we have this: "Obama's Verizon surveillance reveals massive erosion of US civil liberties". Thanks to a secret court and compliant politicians, this administration is running an ever-expanding security state, the government has ordered Verizon (and presumably other carriers) to turn over all calls made within the United States and calls between the United States and other countries. The administration is creating a massive databank for all calls, including calls within the United States.  Civil libertarians have been complaining for years about these programs and have met a wall of silence from Democrats protecting President Obama and Eric Holder, there appears no concern over excessive surveillance or the ever-expanding security state. It is the final evidence of how Obama has truly crippled the civil liberties movement in the United States. With each passing day of this, the idea of giving up our right to arms is becoming more of a nightmare. We are rapidly coming to a point when all patriots will be needing them.

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